Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I took my first sewing class today! I was so excited and it did not disappoint. I got off to a slow start (my grandma's old machine definitely needs a tune-up), but once I got going, I was hooked. My teacher is actually a girl from my graduating class at Boise, and it really helps to have someone I know helping me along. We're starting with a pretty difficult project ( a dress... requiring a stretchy stitch... with stripes!), but I'm in no hurry and want to take the class all summer. I'm not worried. These are some pictures of the cutting I brought home as homework. The weird zig zags are my practice runs on the machine and there's a picture of how the dress will (hopefully) look when I'm finished. I will be sure to update everyone as I progress.

Other than that, I have been busy starting my new volunteer job at the Idaho Humane Society. I really love playing with the dogs and just helping out with everything they need. It's definitely helping with my puppy craving! Oh, and James and I made some DELICIOUS granola bars...

1 comment:

  1. yaaaaay sewing! i'm so jealous that dress is gonna look amazing. you're gonna have to teach me your new skillz soon...also, those granola bars look incredible...I MISS YOUUUUUU
